Residency Requirements
The CSC On-Campus Experience
Research shows that living on campus influences positive outcomes and student success.
- Retention: On-campus students can expect greater potential for academic success and are more likely to persist.
- Extracurricular Involvement: On-campus students can expect greater access and opportunities for campus activities, organizations, and leadership opportunities.
- Positive Environment: On-campus students can expect a safe, academic, and supportive environment.
- Interpersonal Relationships: On-campus students can expect higher levels of social interactions and opportunities to experience diverse perspectives.
- Faculty and Staff Interaction: On-campus students will live among Residence Life Staff and have greater proximity to faculty and staff on campus.
- The College Experience: On-campus living is a unique life experience in which students are more likely to stay enrolled, feel connected, and ultimately graduate.
Independent Living Policy
An independent living student is a student who meets at least one of the following criteria:
- Student has met the 2-year (4-semester) on-campus living requirement.
- Student is living locally with parent(s) or permanent legal guardian(s) at a permanent residence within 60 driving miles of Chadron State College campus. This requires that the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) live at the residence; ownership of property or living with another family member does not qualify for exemption.
- Student is married (documentation may be requested).
- Student has dependent minor(s) (documentation may be requested).
- Student is enrolled exclusively in online courses for the semester in which they are requesting independent living.
- Student is 20 years of age or older as of the first class day of the contract period.
- Student is enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours for the semester in which they are requesting independent living.
Students requesting independent living status must complete an Independent Living Request, prior to the start of the semester they plan to attend CSC. The form can be found on the Housing Portal. Requests will be reviewed by the Director of Housing and Residence Life. Students found in violation of this policy will be charged room and board and may face additional sanctions.
Students meeting one or more of the above criteria prior to the first day of classes for fall or spring may complete an Independent Living Request on the Housing Portal. All requests must be submitted for approval by August 15th (Fall Semester) or December 15th (Spring Semester). The decision will be communicated to the student's EagleMail account.
Late Independent Living Requests
The CSC Housing Office may approve a request after the deadline based on supported conditions. Any approval will be subject to appropriate College related fees.
Special Notes
New Students: Those who apply for admissions after August 15 (fall) or December 15 (spring), must submit an Independent Living Application by the first day of classes to avoid housing contract cancellation fees.
Non-Qualifying Students: Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria are required to live on campus and have a meal plan. If a student's residency status changes during the semester, they must notify the Housing Office. Failure to do so may result in being required to meet the on-campus living requirement and pay any associated charges.
Eligibility Review: Independent living eligibility will be reviewed each semester by the Housing Office.
For questions, please contact the CSC Housing Office at 308-432-6466 or email
Meal Plans
*All students living in the residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan*
Meal plans can be utilized 7 days per week in the Dining Room and the Eagle Market in the Student Center, or the To-Go located in the High Rise lobby. Please visit Dining Services for more information. Payment options may be arranged through the Business Office, please see CSC Room and Board Rates. Specific policies pertaining to CSC residence halls are included in the CSC Student Handbook and Residence Life Handbook.
17 Years of Age Requirement
On-campus students must be at least 17 years of age to reside in the CSC residence halls, per Board Policy 3500.
International Student Tuition Waiver Policy
Please refer to the International Student Tuition Waiver Policy for further details.